A team of influencer bloggers decides to hold a ritual at the mansion of the "black countess". A fan of the supernatural, she disappeared without a trace after she was offered to play a game that was supposed to take her to another dimension. By evoking the spirit of the Countess, bloggers let otherworldly forces into the world. The one who can bring the demons back will survive.
《如果历史是一群喵》是一部以华夏历史为主线,依据二十四史等文献资料编绘的历史漫画,旨在向青年读者普及中华历史知识。作品以风趣幽默的语言对历史事件进行了重新解读,更容易为年轻人记忆和接受。在表达上,作品用现代漫画的手法塑造了12只体态丰盈、造型可爱的猫咪,用它们把历史事件演绎成了精彩的历史故事。漫画不但响应了中央关于“弘扬中华优秀传统文化”的号召,还是文化创新和“寓教于乐”的一次新探索和尝试。 本季带你走进南宋金元的历史故事。